
學識都 人氣:7.77K




me about yourself?


2. What are your greatest strengths?


3. What are your greatest weakness?


4. Why did you quit your last job?


5. Why do you want to work here?


6. What do co-workers say about you?


7. Are you applying for other jobs?


8. What do you know about us?


9. What kind of salary are you looking for?


10. How long would you expect to work for

us if hired?


11. Do you know anyone who works for us?


12. Why should we hire you?


13. What Is Your Dream Job?


14. What are you looking for in a job?


15. Are you willing to work overtime?


16. What experience do you have in this



17. Do you consider yourself successful?


18. What have you done to improve your knowledge in the last year?


19. Describe your work ethic?


20. Are you a team player?


21. Have you ever had to fire anyone?


22. What is your philosophy towards work?


23. If you had enough money to retire right now, would you?


24. Have you ever been asked to leave a



25. Explain how you would be an asset to

this organization?


26. Tell me about a suggestion you have



27. Why do you think you would do well at

this job?


28. What irritates you about co-workers?


29. What is more important to you: the

money or the work?


30. How do you manage your team?




32. Where do you see yourself being in your profession in five years? Why did you establish these goals? 你的五年職業目標是什麼?你爲什麼會確定這樣的職業目標?

問題分析: 與中國面試官相比, 老外更加重視這個問題。在這個問題上, 面試官捕捉的信息點是: 第一, 這個傢伙是個有計劃有目標的人嗎?第二, 他對自己所申請的職業瞭解嗎?他知道這個職位的下一步是什麼嗎?第三, 這個傢伙所制定的職業目標切合實際嗎?此外, 外國面試官往往是你未來的直線經理或者頂頭上司, 與人力資源部的面試官相比, 他更希望遇到一個已經斬釘截鐵地決定要在這個領域裏發展的申請人。

回答示範1: Well, I hope I can be a brand manager in five years or so. Launching and managing a brand, introducing it to as many customers as possible, in my opinion, will bring me great job satisfaction.

點評1: 對於有志從事市場推廣活動的應屆畢業生, 這個答案可謂中規中矩了。

回答示範2: In five years? I think there are two possibilities. I will either be working as a senior in sales, or I will join a management team as a sales manager. You know during the past three years I worked my way up from sales rep to sales team leader, and I’ve felt that both positions have their own attractions. So, in five years, I would be happy to be head of sales at a company, or, if I can be a team leader in such a huge company like Siemens, that would be even better.

點評2: 在小公司裏, 要一個高職位往往很容易。如果是在大公司求職, 你可以儘量淡化對高職位的.嚮往, 而強調對工作內容本身的追求。

33. What will you do to achieve your career goals? 爲達到職業目標你會做什麼?

問題分析: 在這個問題上, 面試官要捕捉的信息點有兩個: 第一, 你爲實現目標而要採取的措施是否非常合乎實際?第二, 你所申請的這份工作, 能否給你機會讓你去一步一步實現自己的職業理想?

回答示範1: To achieve my career goals, I think performance is the answer. If I perform well in the current position, I would naturally win the trust of the management team and move on to the next step of my career path. So, what I’ll do is to work hard, and achieve good results at my job.

點評1: 說得很對, 把本職工作做好了, 升職機會自然就來了。任何單位都喜歡這樣腳踏實地的人。

回答示範2: My long term career goal requires a wide range of skills. What I’ll do is to keep improving myself, at work and through self-training outside work. As a matter of fact, I’ve already started. I’ve enrolled in a two-month English training program in New Oriental because I know English is important for my job.

點評2: 這個答案很精彩, 除了列舉了未來會做什麼, 更爲動人的是說自己已經開始行動了!

34. What are your salary expectations for this position? Starting salary? Salary in five years? 你期望的薪資是多少?你希望五年以後你的薪資是多少?

問題分析: 必問的問題。

回答示範1: I expect to have a salary between 4,000 and 5,000 as this is the average salary the students of our school can get. But we can negotiate that. As a new graduate I care about career development opportunities more than the starting salary. As to the salary in five years, frankly speaking, I haven’t even thought about it. The more the better, but of course, it depends on what I can do for the company.

點評1: 一個很適合應屆畢業生的回答。

回答示範2: I make about 4,000 Yuan RMB now and I expect a salary from 5,000 to 6,000. It’s not so easy to tell how much I can make in five years. If I am still at the same position I don’t think the salary then will be too much different, however, I certainly hope I can do more important things for Adidas and then be offered a higher pay.

點評2: 一個很適合有經驗申請人的回答。

 Questions 請提問

35. What questions do you have for me? 你有什麼問題要問我的嗎?

問題分析: 在這個問題上, 外國面試官要捕捉的信息點是: 第一, 你面試前做過足夠的功課嗎?第二, 你對自己所申請的職位, 有過深思熟慮嗎?第三, 你是一個有想法的人嗎?一個有思想有見解的人, 提出來的問題往往是有深度而且不流於形式的; 第四, 你是一個腳踏實地的人嗎?一個踏實的人, 往往會更加關注具體的工作內容, 而不是問一個海闊天空的大問題。此外, 要注意到面試官的身份, 如果他來自HR部門, 你的問題可以和培訓和職業發展有關係; 如果他來自業務部門, 你的問題最好和自己的工作職責有關。

回答示範1: My question may sound a bit stupid, but I really want to know, do you prefer to hire male sales reps more than females? You know it’s true in many other companies. I am a bit concerned about this you know because I really want this job.

點評1: 不錯, 利用提問強調了自己對該職位的熱誠, 同時也直言不諱地表示了自己的憂慮。女性申請人在申請以男性爲主導的職位, 如銷售職位時, 不妨直言詢問對方對招聘對象性別的期望值, 以及女性在這樣以男性爲主導的團隊中的職業發展問題。

回答示範2: May I know what the sales assistants before me are doing now, I mean, did they transfer to other positions or leave Nike?

點評2: 一個很實在的提問。如果你在一間比較成熟的外企應聘祕書或助理之類的職位, 不妨直言相問原來這個職位的人哪裏去了?是離開還是轉其他崗位了?

回答示範3: I’m most interested in the career structure of this position. Do most members of this department follow the career path of “auditor—team leader—manager?” Actually I’ve learnt some information about it from the career talk, but I wonder if there is anything else I can know about it?

點評3: 每個申請人都非常關心所申請職位的長遠發展, 所以這是一個很保險的問題。這個回答值得稱道的一點是他把自己已經瞭解到的職業發展道路順便告訴了面試官, 體現出他自己並不是一個懵懵懂懂的傢伙。