Why should I hire you rather than someone else?

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Why should I hire you rather than someone else?(爲什麼我應該錄用你,而不是其他人)企業問這問題,最主要是用來評估你過去的離職經驗,並用來判斷你將來是否會重蹈覆轍,此外,也可以瞭解你面對職場上一些狀況的處理方式及態度。

Why should I hire you rather than someone else?


1. 把回覆問題的重心放在你工作上的專業背景,爲何是你纔是這個職務最理想的候選人。

2. 讓企業知道你將爲這個部門帶來什麼實質的.貢獻。

3. 若你的工作背景中,有下列的專業經歷,請務必特別強調給面試官知道,包括:

– 團隊合作經驗:Team work

– 跨部門合作經驗:Cross-departmental cooperation / Interdepartmental collaboration

– 多功能型團隊:Cross-functional team


I always encourage interdepartmental collaboration and creative thinking when I was the team leader in the last company.


This award is the result of teamwork and cross-departmental cooperation.


I understand that the company is planning on expanding the market. What I can offer is detailed technical knowledge and strong application ability.


My experience at the last company is completely transferable to your company, since you deal in the same product.


Besides, I have three years sales experience. I know how to train the staff to increase target audience and deal with difficult consumers.


These are what make me different and special from other candidates.

以上三點是我比其他應徵者 (候選人)更優秀的地方。