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The Difference of Class Teaching methods among the Primary School, the Senior School and the High School

Abstract: Through the investigation research on the methods, ways and content of the elementary school, the junior school and the high school, this subject is aim to discuss the difference on classroom teaching methods among the elementary school, the junior school and the high school. Especially it’s from the angle of the psychology and teaching methods. How to show difference in the classroom teaching? How to solve the textbook connection in these three grades? The purpose of this research is to absorb the educators further attention and discussion on this topic. On the other hand, the teaching effect and teaching quality can be further advanced.

Key Words: The Primary School, the Junior School, the High School, classroom teaching, difference

1. The origin of this subject

For many years, the elementary school and the middle school’s English education basis in many domestic schools are quite weak. The quality of teachers and the facilities are far behind. Their teaching research are backwardness. It is common in many schools that learning English is just to help students graduation and enter into advanced school. So if students get good marks, they can’t be scolded for their bad spoken English.

Among the elementary school, the junior school and the high school, the primary school’s English teaching just started. Though students has been taught, the real situation is not optimistic. In addition, English is not held in the important status. Schools and teachers show less attention on it. Students themselves and their parents are also ignorant of it. In addition, the English class is few every week, sometimes also occupied by other courses, teaching material usage condition is quite chaotic, teachers have low acquisition on students, furthermore, the teaching effect is not good.

While in junior school, most of areas, especially in class experimental schools it is natural for them to change the textbooks. With new content, wide capacity. On the other hand, students in those areas are lack of knowledge foundations, which lead them to fail to study it well. What’s more, some schools’ teaching facilities are old. Teachers teaching skills are to be improved. Thus, the junior English study is just like building house in the air. Moreover, teachers in junior schools has to catch up with the textbook pace in order to complete the teaching task. As a result of it, many students in Grade Two has lost interest in English. Some of them has given it up.

Similarly, teachers in high school are facing the wide capacity of the course material, wide knowledge, wide grammar, a large quantities of words and expressions, sophisticated sentences and so on. In addition, the teachers’ quality in high school are irregular, most of the teaching ways are single. As a result, students can’t catch up with it. So can their low interest. They have to give it up. Such situation has caused some educators worry.

In these years, teachers in the primary school, the junior school and the high school lose themselves in their own textbook.. The research activity is divided. In fact, teachers in different grades have few knowledge of other grades material, the common usage of teaching ways. What’s more, they couldn’t estimate the future students’ level. All of the above shows teachers have blindness in their teaching and make the running-in period longer. So the purpose for me to choose this topic is aim to solve the following four questions:

Q1: What kind of psychology features does students in the elementary school, the junior school and the high school have?

Q2: According to these features, how do teachers choose the appropriate and effective classroom teaching methods?

Q3: What’s the difference in the elementary school, the junior school and the high school?

Q4: How to solve the textbook material problems so as to improve the efficiency?

2. The limitation of the subject

2.1 The age criteria and grades of the reference of the subject

In the primary school: 9-12

In the junior school: 12-16

In the high school: 16-19

2.2 The material used

In the primary school: New Criteria English

In the junior school: Materials from people’s publication

So does high school.

2.3 the basic principle and theory referred by the subject research

3. The method and ways of the research

4. The content of this subject research—The difference of English classroom teaching method

4.1 Happy teaching method are used in the elementary school.

Under the principle of students’ predominate, teachers’ teaching dominate, launch students’ learning activity according to the rule of children’s psychology.

4.2 Interest teaching method used in junior school

The youths are in a stage of growth, especially interested in the changeable circumstance. So Interest is their source of their learning motivation. Teachers should look for variety of teaching skills.

4.3 Task-based-learning teaching method used in high school

Students from the junior school have wide range of English levels. As a matter of fact, excellent students has no language environment to practise, while most of students with study problems have given up it. In order to change this tramp, the task-based-learning is used.

5. The ways to this subject research

5.1 The content of the investigation statistics chart

5.2 The teaching ways of the investigation statistics chart

6. Conclution

It is obvious that the psychology difference among the elementary school, the junior school and the high school. So there’s much difference of classroom teaching methods. But according to the investigation result, there’s stable factor for every stage development. So while teachers has done well in their class teaching, they should also pay attention to other grades’ teaching situation, including the material choice and the students’ usage. So as to have the most knowledge of future students, which can reduce the teaching blindness to make better teaching effect.


1. 《國家英語課程》(實驗) 中華人發共和國教育部

2. 張慶林 《當代認知心理學在教學中的應用》

3. 張大均 《教學心理學》西南師範大學出版社

4. 關文信主編 《新課程理念與初中英語課堂教學實施》首師大出版社出版

5. 孫玉梅主編 《現代英語教學法》東北師大出版

6. 何廣鏗著 《英語教學研究》廣東高等教育出版社

7. 《中小學外語教學》全國核心期刊

8. C. Kyriacou. Essential Teaching Skills, Nelson Thornes Ltd. 2001

9. T. Hedge Teaching and Learning in the Language Classroom DUP 2000

10. J. Jarmer How to Teach English Longman 1998.

11. J. Jarmer The Practice of English Language Teaching Pearson Education Limited 2001

12. H. G. Widdowson Teaching Language as communication DUP 1996

13.楊忠,張揚. 國外英語教學流派及我國英語教學改革。長春:東北師範大學出版社,1999

14. 薛中樑。 英語課堂教學過程。合肥:安徽教育出版社,2002

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