
學識都 人氣:1.21W

 摘 要:中國古代傑出青年、位居初唐四傑之首的文壇天才和傳世名人王勃在辭謝紅塵前夕的即席即興傳世名作《滕王閣序》通篇偶句天成、意象雄渾,結構迴環、氣韻流動,句式整飭、音律和諧,在中國文壇創下了千古傳誦、歷久彌新的跨時代奇蹟。本文選取這一傳世名篇中的傳世名句和我國外語界資深學者羅經國教授編譯的《古文觀止精選(漢英對照)》力作,以漢英對比的方式賞析了傳世精華的英譯之美。


關鍵詞:傳世名句 《滕王閣序》 英譯賞析






英文譯文:Nanchang, which was the capital of Yuzhang Prefecture during the Han Dynasty, now falls under the jurisdiction of Hongzhou./It straddles the border of the influence of the Ye and the Zhen constellations, and is adjacent to the Heng and the Lu mountains. /The three rivers enfold it like the front part of a garment and the five lakes encircle it like a girdle. It controls the savage Jing area and connects Ou and Yue, /and its products are nature’s jewels. The radiance of its legendary sword shoots directly upward between the constellations Niu and Dou. Its talented people are outstanding, and the spirit of intelligence pervades the place. This was the place where Xu Ru spent the night on his visit to Chen Fan./The mighty Hongzhou spreads out immensely amid the fog, and the intellectual luminaries are as numerous as meteors chasing one another./…On this official holiday, which falls on every tenth day, good friends gather together, and a galaxy of distinguished guests from distant places fill the hall./ Also present at the gathering are Master Meng, whose literary grace is as imposing as a dragon soaring and a phoenix dancing, and General Wang, who has weapons as sharp as the famous swords“Purple Lightning”and “Blue Frost”in his armory.

譯文賞析:譯文前兩句分別用“capital”和“jurisdiction”“straddle the border of”和“is adjacent to”等近義關鍵詞語意譯原作的“故郡”與“新府”、“天象”與“地位”,第三句分別用“three rivers”和“five lakes”、“control”和“connect”直譯原作的“三江”和“五湖”、“控”和“引”,精準而生動地描述了南昌的地理方位,天時地利躍然紙上;接着將千古名語“物華天寶”和“人傑地靈”分別譯爲“its products are nature’s jewels”和“its talented people are outstanding, and the spirit of intelligence pervades the place”,等效達意、類而不同;此後的.譯文生動傳達了原文關於洪州城房屋像霧靄羅列、人才像繁星閃耀的兩個比喻,形神兼備;最後直譯“騰蛟起鳳”和“紫電青霜”兩大比喻,恪守氣韻。





英文譯文:It is September, the third month of autumn./ The puddles on the ground have dried up, and the water in the pond is cool and translucent. At dusk the rays of the setting sun condensed the evening haze, turn the mountains purple./……Ranges upon ranges of green mountain rise as high as the sky. The red glow in the water is the reflection of the richly painted tower that seems hovering in the air. From its heights no land is visible./……Pushing open the door carved with decorative patterns, I look down upon endless waves of brightly tinted roof tiles, each elaborately engraved with lovely etchings. A panorama of mountains and plains stretches beneath me, and I am mesmerized by the mighty scene of the winding rivers and big lake./……The rain has just let up and the rainbow has vanished. The sunlight shoots through the rosy clouds. A solitary wild duck flies alongside the multi-colored sunset clouds, and the autumn water is merged with the boundless sky into one hue./ The fishermen can be heard singing the evening songs, their voices drifting as far as the banks of the Poyang Lake. Even the wild geese feel the chill of dusk settling upon them, and they cry all the way while flying southward, disappearing around the south bend of the Heng Mountain.