
學識都 人氣:2.91W
尼娜:Excuse me, may I ask a day off?   打擾一下.請問我能請一天假嗎?  上司:For what?   什麼理由?  尼娜:My best friend will get married tomorrow.   我好朋友明天結婚.  上司:I see, are you the bridesmaid?   哦.你是伴娘嗎?  尼娜:Yes, I am one of them.   對.我是其中的一個.  上司:Ok, you can have tomorrow off.   好吧.準你明天的假了.  尼娜:Thank you, sir!   謝謝你!  上司:Oh, I forgot to tell you there will be an important meeting tomorrow afternoon.   哦.忘了告訴你了.明天有個重要的會議.  尼娜:Oh! What shall I do?   啊?那我該怎麼辦?  上司:You are a section chief, don`t ask me.   你好歹是個部門經理.不要來問我怎麼辦.  尼娜:I have promised her to attend her wedding.   可是我已經答應她明天去參加婚禮了.  上司:You can find someone to attend the meeting for you.   你可以找個人替你去開會.  尼娜:Thank you so much!   非常感謝你!  上司:Well, only this time!   僅此一次.  尼娜:Yes, I know! Shall I ask Jack to the meeting?   我知道了.你讓傑克代我去吧?  上司:That`s up to you.   這個你自己決定吧.  尼娜:Ok, I will tell him later.   好的.我一會通知他.  上司:Hope you enjoy the wedding!   祝你婚禮上玩得開心!  尼娜:Thank you again for your understanding!   再次感謝您的理解!