英語口語:糟糕一秒 oh no second

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英語口語:糟糕一秒 oh no second

明明是在給女朋友寫肉麻情書,結果卻不小心發到了全公司同事的郵箱裡,這個時候你會是什麼反應?Oh,no!專案文案還有最後一頁就寫好了,結果按錯一個鍵,整個文件都不見了,什麼反應?Oh,no!對啊,這樣的時候在英語裡就是叫做oh no second,挺貼切的吧?

An oh no second is that very short moment in time during which you realize that you have pressed the wrong key and deleted hours, days, or weeks of work.
  Oh no second,暫譯為“糟糕一秒”,指你意識到自己按錯鍵把幾個小時、幾天,甚至幾周的工作成果都給刪掉的那一刻。

In a broader sense, it may also refer to that minuscule fraction of time it takes your brain to realize that you’ve just made a GIGANTIC mistake and reconcile the fact that it is too late.
  仔細看一下這個詞,其實就是“oh no second”三個詞一起構成的,大概是因為英語國家的人們在做錯事情的時候通常都會脫口而出“Oh no!”這個感嘆句吧。
  For example:

Dave sent his girlfriend pictures of himself with another woman, by accident, regretting it an ohnosecond later.
