
學識都 人氣:1.41W






The unity that should characterize the strong system is developed by affording opportunity for diversity, which appears to be essential if education is to develop in consideration of the needs of children and youth.

這句話一開頭就出現the unity 那麼它就是句子的主語了,而且後面出現that這個信號詞,那就更加證明the unity主語的身份,因爲只有主幹才享有被修飾的權利。


Popular illustrated magazines rapidly became an important and significant factor to the literate in Australia, who was forming our national image, as were the singers of ballads and strolling entertainers who were also making a major contribution.


The convergence of these two growing trends--- dropping out and logging in--- exacerbates the serious consequences of a drop in political involvement and a rise in social isolation.

這句話是由the convergence of these two growing trends 開頭,那麼這整個名詞詞組就是主語,核心詞彙是convergence。


The unity that should characterize the strong system is developed by affording opportunity for diversity, which appears to be essential if education is to develop in consideration of the needs of children and youth.

這句話上面提到過,the unity是主語,後面緊接着是that 因此,我們需要跳過一個動詞即從句動詞characterize,而去找第二個動詞is developed,而後者就是主句謂語了。


The SETI institute, a Californian research foundation, managed to raise $ 16 million to fund Project Phoenix, which is using the Australia Telescope at Parks in New South Wales for its search.

這句話the SETI institute作爲主語,後面出現逗號,則需要跳過兩逗號之間的內容,那麼緊隨其後的managed就是謂語動詞了。



The fact that programs in these languages, although made up largely of English words and some well-known mathematical symbols, are unintelligible to the lay reader indicates the gulf which still exists between the kind of verbal instructions which can be given to another human, and the coded instructions required by the computer.


1. The unity that should characterize the strong system is developed by affording opportunity for diversity, which appears to be essential if education is to develop in consideration of the needs of children and youth.

還是上面舉過的例子。除了主幹the unity和is developed,剩下的比如用來修飾the unity的that should characterize the strong system,這個從句,我的要求是看你看的懂的詞彙,也就是說挑一些簡單的單詞來讀。這就要主動閱讀。在這句從句中,可以只是讀懂strong system就可以了。一般來說,大多數挑選的單詞都是具體的名詞爲主。

那麼對於修飾語by affording opportunity for diversity, which appears to be essential if education is to develop in consideration of the needs of children and youth 來說,挑一些最簡單的單詞來大致讀懂語言。比如,opportunity, essential education, needs children and youth.只要把以上的單詞大致讀懂,那麼這句話的內容就非常清晰的展現在各位面前。


Popular illustrated magazines rapidly became an important and significant factor to the literate in Australia, who was forming our national image, as were the singers of ballads and strolling entertainers who were also making a major contribution.

這句話的主幹是magazines became factor.修飾中可以去閱讀的是important, Australia, image, singer, contribution.剩下的不需要去閱讀,只有當我們確定題目的定位點就是這句話的時候,纔會去認真的精讀每一個單詞!
