
學識都 人氣:2.06W




提供信息:To offer information;

使聽衆感到樂趣:To entertain the audience;

動之以情:To touch emotions;

使聽衆行動起來:To move to action。


語速太快:Talking too rapidly;

聲音單調:Speaking in monotone;

聲音尖細:Using too high a vocal pitch;

談得太多,說得太少:Talking and not saying much;

感情不充分:Presenting without enough emotion or passion;

對觀衆採取一種居高臨下的姿態:Talking down to the audience;

誇張的詞語使用得太多:Using too many "big" words;

使用抽象概念而不給出事例加以說明:Using abstractions without giving concrete examples ;

使用別人不熟悉的技術術語:Using unfamiliar technical jargon;

使用俚語或粗俗語:Using slang or profanity;

演講無組織,散亂無序:Disorganized and rambling performance;

說話繞彎子,不切中主題:Indirect communication i.e. beating around the bush。


要有值得交流的觀點:A message worth communicating;

引起聽衆的注意:抓住他們的興趣並贏得信任:Gain the listeners' attention: capture their interest and build their trust;

重視理解:Emphasize understanding;

獲得反饋:Obtain their feedback;

注意聲調,要有感情:Watch your emotional tone;

說服聽衆:Persuade the audience。


微笑並看着觀衆:Smile and glance at the audience;

開始發言時要慢一點,身體保持昂首挺胸的姿態:Start very slowly, with your shoulders back and your chin up;

開場白說一些真誠話:Open your speech by saying something very frankly;

穿上自己最好的衣服:Wear your very best clothes;

對自己說一些積極的話:Say something positive to / about yourself 。


要有一個結構:可以分一二三點、可以從地理上分東南西北、比較與對比、我方與他方、正面與反面:To have a structure: such as first, second, third; geographically, north, south, east, west; compare and contrasts; our side versus their side; negative and positive;

將材料歸類整理,如笑話、趣事、名人名言、有趣的數據:To label the materials such as jokes, funny anecdotes, favorite sayings, interesting statistics 。