
學識都 人氣:2.81W




早上好。很高興有機會可以參加這次面試,我叫xxx 畢業於xxx師範大學小學教育英語專業。畢業後一直從事小學英語教育工作。致力於小學英語教學實踐並較有成效。在工作中通過自己的努力和各學科老師的幫助,逐步形成了自己的教學風格‘師生相處和諧,“情知互動,寓教寓樂”的教學風格,依託共鳴的'師生情感,利用英語的獨特魅力和特性吸引、感染學生自覺自願、主動積極並富有創造性地在無拘無束、輕鬆愉快的氛圍中參與英語活動。在英語活動中鼓勵學生張揚個性,發揮潛能,培養引導激發學生對英語的興趣。自從教以來,我連續數年在全縣優質課和優秀論文評選活動中獲獎,我被評爲縣級骨幹教師今年暑假,我又在xx高等師範專科學校參加了省級骨幹教師的培訓,聆聽名家教誨,和來自全省各地老師交流教學經驗,從中讓我看到了自己的渺小和不足,在以後的工作中,我將虛心學習,積極進取。“路漫漫其修遠兮,吾將上下而求索。”多年的教育教學生涯和生活的磨練,我已逐漸褪去了稚氣和青澀,變得成熟而自信。我也在不斷的工作中體會到教師這個職業是一個需要更多責任心和細心去完成也真正體會到了“學高爲師,身正爲範。”的道理我認爲我完全有能力勝任教育教學工作,並且我也真心的熱愛教師這一職業。如果我有機會能夠加入貴校,成爲其中的一員,我定不會讓在座的各位評委老師失望!



Hell everyone.I would like to introduce myself to you name is 本站,and it was my 23th birthday yesterday.I graduated from *** university just major is english.I can speak english with fluency and know ,english plays an inportant role in the world ,the children in kingdergaten could learn to speak english in addition,swimming and playing basketball is my I an also good at playing guitar and piano.I am an outing person.I believe that i will get along well with children,I will be patient with try my best to love them.I would be your best K YOU.


Good morning,everyone!I am glad to have the chance to introduce name is 本站.I am 25 years old.I come from major is arts when i was studying in *** school.I used to teach arts in a middle school in Hebei my spare time,I love singing and writing.I am a very positive and happy girl and always enjoy staying with is why i am applying for this job.I hope there is opportunity for k you!