
學識都 人氣:2.53W



食譜 recipe

餐前開胃點心 appetizer

正/主菜 entrée;main course

附菜 side dish


小吃 snack;refreshments

山珍海味 delicacies from land and sea

冷拼盆 assorted hors d'oeuvres platter

什錦色拉 mixed vegetable salad with ham

酸辣白菜 sweet and sour pickled cabbage

白灼海螺片scalded sliced conch

炒鱔背fried eel back

炒蟹粉 sautéed crab meat and roes

芙蓉蝦仁shrimps with egg white

乾燒桂魚 fried mandarin fish in brown sauce

宮保大蝦sautéed prawns with hot pepper

鍋巴海蔘 crisp rice with sea cucumber

紅燒魚翅 braised shark fin in brown sauce

清燉甲魚 stewed soft-shelled turtle

清蒸鯿魚 steamed bream

糖醋黃魚 sweet and sour yellow croaker

糟溜魚片 stewed sliced fish in wine sauce

炒木樨肉 stir-fried pork shreds and cabbage with fungus scrambled eggs

回鍋肉 twice-cooked pork slices in brown sauce

魚香肉絲 fish-flavored shredded pork in hot sauce

椒鹽排骨 spare ribs with pepper and salt

炸豬排 fried pork chop

吉利牛排 beef cutlet

鐵扒牛排 grilled beef steak

蠔油牛肉 sliced beef sautéed in oyster sauce

涮羊肉 thin mutton slices quick-boiled in a chafing-dish/Mongolian fire pot

羊肉串 sliced mutton barbecue

北京烤鴨 roast Beijing duck

宮保雞丁 diced chicken with peanuts;sautéed chicken cubes with chili and peanuts

板肉燜鵪鶉 braised quail with bacon

蘑菇煎蛋卷mushroom omelet

炒雙冬sautéed mushrooms and bamboo shoots

麻婆豆腐 spicy and hot bean curd;bean curd with minced pork in chili sauce

生煸四季豆sautéed string beans

什錦炒蔬 stir-fried mixed vegetables

魚香茄子 fish-flavored eggplant

鮑魚清湯consommé of abalone

鳳凰魚蓉羹thick soup of minced fish and egg-white

火腿雞絲湯 shredded chicken and ham soup

二鮮湯 consommé with three delicious ingredients(shredded chicken,ham and bamboo shoots)

酸辣湯 hot and sour soup

魚翅湯shark fin soup

榨菜肉絲湯 shredded pork soup with pickled tuber mustard

紫菜蝦米湯dried shrimps and red laver soup

雞茸蘑菇湯cream of mushroom with chicken

雞絲火腿湯consommé chicken and ham

牛肉粟米湯beef chowder

八寶飯 babao steamed rice with candied fruits and red bean paste filling

揚州炒飯 Yang chow fried rice

炒米粉 fried ground rice noodles

糯米飯 cooked glutinous rice

粥;稀飯congee;rice gruel;porridge

小米粥millet gruel

冷麪 cold noodles

咖喱牛肉麪 noodle soup with sliced curry beef

炸醬麪 noodles with fried brown sauce paste

火腿炒通心粉 fried macaroni with ham

肉丸實心面spaghetti with meat balls

叉燒包 steamed bun filled with roast pork

春捲 spring roll;egg roll stuffed with minced meat and shrimp

葱油餅 pan-fried cake with sesame seeds and green onion

油條 fried twisted stick

鍋貼 pan-fried dumpling/ravioli

花捲 steamed twisted roll

餃子Chinese ravioli;dumpling(with meat and vegetable filling)

饅頭 steamed bun;steamed bread

湯圓 glutinous rice dumpling in soup

小籠包子steamed meat dumpling

粽子 rice dumpling wrapped in reed leaves

南瓜攀服pumpkin pie

葡萄乾杏仁布丁raisin and almond pudding

香草冰淇淋vanilla ice-cream

什錦水果聖代mixed fruit sundae

生/黑啤draught/dark beer

香檳酒 champagne

紅葡萄酒claret;port wine;rosé;red wine

黃酒;花雕酒yellow rice wine

利口酒;露酒;餐後酒 liqueur

烈酒 spirits;strong liquor

白乾white liquor

佐餐酒table wine

補酒tonic liquor/wine

(酒)加冰塊的 on the rocks

(酒)不加冰塊的 straight up

礦泉水mineral water

汽水 carbonated drink;aerated water;soda(water)

水果露 fruit syrup

西柚汁 grape fruit juice

紅/綠/花/菊花茶black/green/jasmine/chrysanthemum tea

清咖啡black coffee



全脂/脱脂奶whole/skim milk

酸奶 yoghurt

檳榔 betel nut

榴蓮 civet durian

鱷梨 avocado

甘蔗 sugarcane

柑子 mandarin orange

哈密瓜 Hami muskmelon/cantaloupe

荔枝 lychee

龍眼 longan

枇杷 loquat

栗子 chestnut

蓮子 lotusseed

菱角 watercaltrops

馬蹄梨 water chestnut

藕 lotus root

芒果 mango; sapodilla

獼猴桃 kiwi fruit

山楂 haw

石榴 pomegranate

柿子 persimmon


柚子/文旦 shaddock; pomelo

棗子 jujube; Chinese date

餐桌圓轉盤 Lazy Susan

烹調術 cookery

煸/炒 stir-frying;sautéing

爆 quick-frying

炸 deep-frying

煎 pan-frying


清蒸 steaming

紅燒 braising with soy sauce/in brown sauce

煲;燜;燉;煨 braising£;stewing;simmering

白灼;燙 scalding

焙 roasting;broiling

鐵扒 grilling;broiling

汆 quick-boiling

薰 smoking

汁滷 stewing in gravy

醃 pickling; salting

滷製 marinating

勾芡 dressing with starchy sauce

揉麪 kneading dough

切丁/柳/片/絲 dicing/cubing; filleting;slicing;shredding