
老人的幽默英語笑話 帶翻譯

學識都 人氣:1.89W

Sometimes It's Hard to Know When to Stop

老人的幽默英語笑話 帶翻譯

An old man went to the doctor and began to pour out his problems. As the doctor asked more about what was the matter with him, the old man said, "Well Doc, after I get to the first, I'm very, very tired. After the second, I feel all in(疲乏到極點). After the third, my heart begins to pound. After the fourth, I break out in a cold sweat. And after the fifth, I'm so exhausted, I feel like I'm going to die, right then and there(當場)!"

"That's incredible," said the doctor, "but how old are you?"

"Eighty-five," the patient said. And the doctor said, "Well, at 85, why don't you stop at the first?"

The man said, "I can't stop: I live on the fifth floor!"


一個老人去看醫生,滔滔地講述他的問題。醫生進一步詢問他的症狀,他説:“醫生啊!我上第一層之後,感到非常累!上了第二層,覺得快不行了!到第三層,心跳加劇!到第四層,大冒冷汗!到第五層,筋疲力盡, 感覺當場就要死了!”


