

學識都 人氣:2.77W

Oral Test
1. Please introduce yourself briefly. You may tell us something like: where you grow up, where you study, what your hobbies are, and what your future plan is.


2. Please describe a change that happens in your life. You may tell us something like: what it was about, how did it change your life?

3. You are the team leader of a project. In a meeting, you make a suggestion but fail to gain support from others. How will you deal with such situation? Why is such communication ability important?

4. 你最喜歡的課程,哪個老師教的,為什麼喜歡?

5. 你最想為你的community做的一件事

6. describe a challenge you encountered

7. an example of your ability of making decisions under pressure

8. 描述一本你看過的書,講了什麼,你喜歡它哪點,不喜歡它哪點。

9. do you think China's membership of WTO will benefit China or not (大意)

10. 舉例説明學習某種語言時遇到的困難,你是怎麼做的

11. study at home by using technology and in traditional schools ,which do you like? Why?

12. 問對今後改善環境是否Optimistic

13. technology如何改變你的生活。

14. the best vacation

15. do you disagree or agree one can judge people by first impressions

16. 近100年什麼對社會起的變化最大

17. your future plan

18. 經常出差的利和弊


20. How do you rate your analytical ability? why?

21. What are the advantages and disadvantages of a freely convertible currency?

22. Do you think China will allow the RMB to freely flood on the international market in the next 5 years?

23. 你喜歡的一部電影,為什麼喜歡?

24. 為什麼中國現在那麼多人買車?

25. 介紹一個TV program, about what, why u like/dislike it

26. has technology given us a better life

27. 旅遊,什麼印象最深

28 你的創新能力,舉例