

學識都 人氣:2.65W

1.班門弄斧 Teach fish to swim


2.良藥苦口 A good medicine tastes bitter

3.渾水摸魚 Fish in troubled waters

4.天網恢恢,疏而不漏 Justice has long arms

5.英雄所見略同 Great minds think alike

6.寧爲玉碎,不爲瓦全 Better die with honor than live with shame

7.種瓜得瓜,種豆得豆 No pains, no gains

8.禍從口出 言多必失 The tongue cuts the throat

9.一箭雙鵰,一石二鳥 A stone kills two birds

10.驕兵必敗 Pride goes before a fall

11.無官一身輕 Out of office, out of danger

12.公事公辦 Business is business

13.積少成多 Many a little makes a mickle

14.新官上任三把火 A new broom sweeps clean

15.近朱者赤,近墨者黑 He that lives with cripples learns to limp

16.不入虎穴,焉得虎子 Nothing venture, nothing have

17.和氣生財 Cheek brings success

18.大智若愚,大巧若拙 Cats hide their paws

19.大事未成時,莫開慶功宴 Catch the bear before you sell his skin

20.他山之石,可以攻玉 By other's faults, wise men correct their own

21.塞翁失馬,焉知非福 Behind bad luck comes good luck

22.機不可失,時不再來 Take time while time is, for time will be away

23.欲速則不達 More haste, less speed

24.以眼還眼,以牙還牙 An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth

25.滴水穿石 Little strokes fell great oaks

26.謀事在人,成事在天 Man proposes, God disposes

27.前事不忘後事之師 The remembrance of the past is the teacher of the future

28.未雨綢繆 Live within your means and save for a rainy day

29.成功源於勤奮 Industry is the parent of success

30.樹大招風 Names are debts

31.人急造反,狗急跳牆 Despair gives courage to a coward

32.熟能生巧 Practice makes perfect

33.心曠神怡,事事順利 A merry heart goes all the way

34.知足常樂 Content is better than riches

35.看人看年少,看天看破曉 Childhood shows the man, as morning shows the day

TAGS:諺語 英語