
學識都 人氣:2.06W





Example :

I didn't say he stole the money

1. I didn’t say he stole the money.

2. I didn’t say he stole the money.

3. I didn’t say he stole the money.

4. I didn’t say he stole the money.

5. I didn’t say he stole the money.

6. I didn’t say he stole the money.

7. I didn’t say he stole the money.

PS. 加粗的詞重讀,大家不妨點上方的錄音進行跟讀模仿.


1. I didn’t say he stole the money.

我沒說過他偷了錢 ( 重讀“I”, 強調我沒說,是其他人說的。)

2. I didn’t say he stole the money.

我沒說過他偷了錢 ( 重讀"didn't", 意思是我沒說,假設有人說:“我說他偷錢了”,但事實上我沒有說,所以我要爲自己辯護,這種情況下就可以說:I didn't say he.....)

3. I didn’t say he stole the money.

我沒說過他偷了錢 ( 重讀“say”,強調我僅僅是通過某種方式表達了“他偷錢”的可能性,或許我暗示了,或許我寫出來了,但是我沒有直接說出來。所以可以說:I indicated that he stole the money, but I didn't say it. )

4. I didn’t say he stole the money.

我沒說過他偷了錢 ( 重讀“he”,表示強調我沒說是他偷的,而是我認爲是別人偷的。比如有一個人走過來說“就是他偷了會長 Jay 的錢”, 然後另一個人說“啊...不是他,不是他偷的.”那這個時候就是在強調不是他,是別人。)

5. I didn’t say he stole the money.

我沒說過他偷了錢 (重讀“stole”,是表示我沒說他是“偷”,那有可能是借的或是搶的。)

6. I didn’t say he stole the money.

我沒說過他偷了錢 (重讀“the”,先說一下“the”的意思,這裏money前面放“the”表特指這個錢,那麼當強調the的時候,意思就是說我沒說他偷了“這次的錢”,但是我暗含了一種他偷過別的錢的意思……)

7. I didn’t say he stole the money.

我沒說過他偷了錢 (重讀“money”,強調的是“錢”,意思是說我不認爲他偷了錢,但是我認爲他或許偷了別的'東西。I didn't say he stole the money. He may have taken somejewelry. 換句話說,我認爲他是個賊,但是我不認爲他偷了錢,而是偷了其它的東西。)


1. What would you like?

2. What would you like?

3. What would you like?

4. What would you like?

1. What would you like?


2. What would you like?


3. What would you like?


4. What would you like?


總結: 句中不同單詞的重讀會直接導致句意的變化。多多練習,多多揣摩, 我們就能學會英語輕重分明的語調,就能正確地念出英語抑揚頓挫的節奏。