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1. 頁眉、頁碼等同附件二中的要求1。所有英文字體須爲Times New Roman,特殊名詞可用斜體。

2. 論文題目格式爲“三號、加粗、居中”,請注意大小寫。作者和導師信息格式參見

模板。作者名寫法示例:“Zhao Qin”“Wang Jie-qiong”,作者字號爲小四,個人信息字號爲五號。信息若較長可分成兩行,學院名和年級數須爲全稱。

3. “Abstract:”“Key words:”三個單詞及冒號爲“5號、加粗”,後面英文爲5號。

4. 各級標題以開頭,並逐級展開(見模板)。格式爲“四號、加粗、左對齊”。第二


5. 正文部分英文字號爲“小四”,段落開頭空出兩個英文字母的格數。出現的數學參


6. 編號

a) 圖、表要有編號。英文格式爲“FIG.1”“TABLE 1”,圖號在圖正下方,表號

在表正上方。可在“FIG.1:”“TABLE 1:”後附上適當文字描述,字號爲5號。 b) 關於公式和文獻的編號要求詳見附件二中的5(b)(c)。 6. 可在“Conclusion”後適當附上“Acknowledgements”“Appendix”。 7. 參考文獻詳見附件二中的'要求8。 8. 中文摘要、關鍵詞。(請投遞英文稿件的作者務必提供)


南京大學第十四屆基礎學科論壇 物理學

Staggered Field Driven Phase Transition in 2D

Tight-binding Electron System

Author 1, Author 2

(2004’, Department for Intensive Instruction, Kuang Yaming Honors School,

Nanjing University, Nanjing 210089)

Author 3

(2006’, Department of Physics, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210089)

Mentor: ×××


A particular staggered-flux-driven quantum phase tight-binding electron system is studied in detail…

(It’s recommended that the length of this abstract is not longer than one-third page.)

Key words: (You should add necessary semicolons and space, except for the ending word)

1. Introduction

(Here you can mention what others have done about the subject you’re going to discuss. The following patterns are preferred.)

…the staggered[1]attention recently…

…the 2D Dirac been found to be the effective model of many [2][3] and…

(Here is an example for equation. According to the structure of sentence,you should pay attention to the period or comma after the equation.)

Finally Einstein found that



(Here is another example for equation. Because the sentence has ended,you don’t need to add any period or comma after the equation.)

We have obtained the definition of acceleration, and we put it below.





(Here is an example for inline equation.)


As we all know, the acceleration isa?dvdt?d2sdt2. Then…

2.2 Title of Subsection … 2.2.1 Title of Subsection …

3. Title of Section Three

(Here is an example of the figure and the figure caption.)

(Here is an example for referring to an equation, a figure and a table. You must notice that any meaningful parameter letter should be written in the form of formal equation, but not simply English letters.)

dA (3) dB

According to Eq.(3), we know thatCis the derivative ofAtoB. Beside this, [Fig.1] and [Tab.1] infer us that…


南京大學第十四屆基礎學科論壇 物理學

5. Conclusion(s) and Discussion(s)

(This section gives a brief summarizing of the results of the work. Sometimes, discussions to the results can be made too.)

Appendix I

(In some cases, in order to maintain the easy readability of the paper, appendices are needed. The appendices are supplements to the text. However, appendices should be avoided in general.)

Appendix II


(南京大學化學化工學院,教授,南京 210093)

摘要: 本文詳細討論了在特殊的交流驅動下,二維緊束縛電子系統的相變問題。我們建立了


(This abstract should be the Chinese translation of the English abstract.)


(These words should be the Chinese translation of the English key words. And you should add necessary semicolons, except for the last word.)