
學識都 人氣:2.72W





What happens when we fall in love?


As a result of certain stimuli, the hypothalamus releases a powerful discharges of endorphins.

在某種刺激作用下, 下丘腦釋放噴射出強勁的因多啡荷爾蒙

But why exactly that woman or that man?

但爲什麼偏偏是"這個"女人 或是"這個"男人?

Is there a release of auto-lose pheromones that correspond our complimentary genetic signal?


Or, is it physical feutures that we recognize?


The mother's eyes?


A smell that stimulates a happy memory?


Is love part of a plan?

愛 是不是計劃中的一步?

A vast war plan between two modes of reproduction


Bacteria and viruses are asexual organisms. With each cell division, each multiplication, they mutate and perfect themselves much quickly than we mutate and perfect themselves much quickly than we do.

細菌和病毒 都是無性生物. 通過細胞分裂和自我複製, 它們可以突變完善自我, 比我們快許多倍

Against this we respond with the most fiercing weapon: sex.

爲了對抗 我們回以最猛烈的武器: 性

Two individuals by mixing their genes, shuffle the cards and create an individual who resists viruses better, the more disimilar he or she is.

兩個獨立的人 通過混合他們的基因, 重新洗牌創造出一個全新的人, 他與她的基因差異越大創造出的人越能抵禦病毒

Now, are we unknowing participance in a war between a war 2 modes of reproduction?

那麼 我們是不是無意識地參與着一場不同繁殖模式之間的戰爭呢