
學識都 人氣:1.61W

篇一:介 紹 信(拉贊助專用)






xxxxx大學航空xxxxx學院學生會 xxxxx年xx月xx日

篇二:介 紹 信

爲了積級響應中宣部、國家教育部、團中央號召,組織大學生利用假期集中參加社會實踐活動,使廣大青年大學生在實踐中受教育、長才幹、作貢獻。我院大學生前來你處聯繫參加社會實踐活動有關事宜,請予接洽。感謝你們的大力支持和配合。 致


登 記 表

姓 名: 魏亞梅 院 班: 資環2011級二班

共青團綿陽師範學院委員會 制


Dear MR Harrison:

As you know, our basketball team, The Dragons, has been playing very well in competitions all over Shanghai this year. We have won the past six games that we have played and have brought considerable attention to our neighborhood.

We are very grateful for the support that you have provided for us in the past, and without your help we could not be enjoying our present success. The team has been practicing hard and we have added several new players. We want to maintain our present position at the top level of amateur basketball in Shanghai. This helps to position our neighborhood and businesses such as yours in a very good positive light.

Currently, we are seeking to raise a total of 10,000 Yuan in order to replace our worn out uniforms and to buy essential equipment. Any contribution that you could make to this fond raising drive would be very much appreciated.

Perhaps we could bring team members to your garage for a photo opportunity and a media ceremony, if you could see your way to making a donation.

Whether or not your are able to help on this occasion, we always look forward to seeing you at our games and if there is any further information than I can provide, please do give me a call

Yours sincerely,

Xia fong(MR)

篇四:介 紹 信


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篇五:介 紹 信


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