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講者簡歷(Speaker CV)紅底標註部分系必填項Version 1.0工作年限Year行政職位Executive Position??


(eg:院長、科長、主任等)其中臨牀工作年限Clinical Year科室Department專業職稱Professional Title>


‘無’)(注:請列出在最高級別會議中的講者經歷;Note:Pls list speaker experience at highest level congress)其他信息 Other Information英語水平 Proficiency of English演講題目Theme>


I, hereby confirm that the information above is true and accurate. I also agree that all the above information will be used by Sanofi (including but notlimited to the input of such information into Sanofi’s CV format, to be further uploaded to Sanofi’s speaker database, validation, translation, print,copy of such information, etc.) in any scientific meetings and other interactions with healthcare professionals and will not be further disclosed to anythird party (except to other Sanofi entities or any third party designated by Sanofi entities),  unless you obtain my consent or otherwise required byapplicable laws, regulations, rules, government executive orders, administrative procedures, verdict of courts or institutions of arbitration.

講者本人簽字 Speakers signature:


醫學部授權人簽字 Medical delegate*:


Medical delegate*:MM or TA Head or ML or ML Manager or ML Head醫學部授權人*:醫學經理或治療領域負責人或醫學聯絡官或醫學聯絡官經理或醫學聯絡官負責人t highest level congress)