
學識都 人氣:1.24W
簡介: 靈渠風景區位於興安縣城內,是現存世界上最完整的古代水利工程之一,與四川都江堰、陝西的鄭國渠齊名,是最古老的運河之一。靈渠長37公里,建成於秦始皇33年(公元前214年)。靈渠設計,建築精巧。溝通了長江、珠江兩大水系,成爲秦代以來中原與嶺南的樞紐,爲秦始皇統一起了重要作用。1988年1月13日,國務院公佈靈渠爲全國重點文物保護單位。 靈渠風景區現有靈源寺、靈源閣、鏵嘴、大小天平、四賢祠、飛來石、秦堤等景點。但是,隨着業的及人民生活水平的提高,景區內的功能已不能滿足遊客的需求,並且一些景點急需修繕。我在調查了景區原有的資源後,列出了該總體規劃,爲靈渠以後的發展規劃提供。
關鍵字:靈渠風景區 發展 旅遊規劃
Summary : scenic spot of efficacious canal lies in the county town of Xingan, is an extant one of the most intact ancient irrigation works in the world, enjoys equal fame with canal of Sichuan Dujiang Weir , the Zheng 's of Shaanxi, it is one of the oldest canals. The efficacious canal is 37 -km-long, build up it in 33 years (214 B.C. ) of Qin Shihuang. Designing science in the efficacious canal, the building is exquisite. Have linked up two major river systems of the Changjiang River , the Zhu Jiang River, the hubs of communications of Central Plains and south of the Five Ridges since Qin Dynasty that became, have unified China for Qin Shihuang and played an important role. On January 13 , 1988, the State Council announced the fairy canal was a Key Cultural Relic Unit under State Protection. Efficacious canal scenic spot have fairy source temple , clever beauty spot , pavilion of source and mouth , all kinds of balance , four virtuous shrine , sudden stone , dyke Qin ,etc. of ploughshare now. But with the development of tourist industry and improvement of living standards of the people, function of scenic spot can meet visitor's demands already, and some beauty spots need repairing badly. I after making investigations already existing resources in the scenic spot , list this master plan, offer reference for development plan after the efficacious canal .Keyword: The scenic spot of efficacious canal , develop , travel and plan一、安的狀況  興安, 位於廣西壯族自治區東北部, 北距桂林市六十公里, 是大桂林旅遊區的組成部分之一。

  興安, 古爲百越之地。戰國屬楚國。公元前214年泰始皇在興安境內鑿通靈渠, 興安成爲“南連海域, 北達中原”的重鎮。兩漢屬始安。唐高祖武德四年(公元六二一年)在今興安設臨源縣。宋大曆三年(公元七六八年)稱全義縣。宗太平興國二年(公元九七七年)始稱興安。

  興安位於東經110°14’-110°56'之間, 北緯25°17'-25°55'之間, 與全州縣、資源縣、靈川縣、龍勝縣相鄰。總面積2348平方公里。轄11個鄉鎮, 全縣人口37萬, 以漢族爲主。境內土地肥沃, 物產豐富, 是全國白果、糧食、毛竹生產基地縣, 全國農業生態縣之一。

  興安屬亞熱帶季風氣候。年降雨量在1600—2200mm之間, 年平均氣溫17.8℃, 氣候宜人,四季可遊。境內以丘陵、平原爲主, 分佈着谷地、高山等地形。地勢由西北越城嶺山脈與西南都龐嶺山脈相對傾斜, 形成兩山之間的狹長地帶, 稱“湘桂走廊”。境內最高峯貓兒山頂峯海拔2142米, 爲華南第一峯。
